Saturday, February 13, 2010

Back to the Gym! DWTM (Don't wait till Monday!)

No need to wait till Monday to start something new, I was in a meeting with one of my customers yesterday when he invited me to the Gym with him, no point waiting till Monday I thought so up I got at 0600 this morning to head off and check it out.

Liverpool Catholic Club has a great looking Gym and at 630 in the morning it's not full of 'roid freaks or posers so you can get a good work out in. Admittedly today I just signed up and did a very light lifting session as I haven't been to a Gym since my Wedding (typical, try to tone up for an occasion then forget about it ehh...).

Looking forward to getting stuck right into it as a full member tomorrow though.

Breakfast today: CS cranberry & sultana bar, tastes tops!

Oh and the photo on the right is from about 3 weeks ago when Dad and I went out taking some Photos up in the Blue Mountains...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well it's been a few months between drinks, I work in the Consumer Electronics Industry and it's been Christmas so give me a break! Anyway I lost the magic 50kgs earlier in the week, so I think that's a pretty decent milestone I've achieved. It would be much better if I hadn't had to lose the weight at all and been skinny all along but hey it wasn't meant to be that way.

Oh and anyone who says holidays are the hardest time to keep losing weight, is having themselves on, I still managed to lost about 1.5 kgs a week during the Christmas/New Years break...